Our Soul’sPurpose? ‘Do It’with Joy!
By Nancy Freier
Over the years I’ve done hundreds of readings. One of the most popular questions asked of the Angels is for understanding our soul purpose and to know why we’re on the planet. Here is what Sreper, said to this person who asked that question... “Each one of you have a definite purpose for being on Earth at this time. That seed, if you will, has been planted in you even before your birth. You come to Earth with a soul purpose that is yours to discover.
It is no accident you are reading these words today, for you have been searching for the reasons you are where you are. Let your inner self know that it is with great reason you are there, and we would read these separately, for each of you, if you but ask. In general terms, we say that whatever the reason you’re on Earth, you’re to reap as much joy as you can have while there. To do this, regardless of the intensity of the lesson(s) ... if you’re there to learn things you’ve put off for eons of lifetimes, or if you’re there to simply smell the roses, or for any of the myriad reasons in-between, we say you can more joyfully be on your soul’s journey by immersing yourself in Nature. That is the Key to the Kingdom! It is the way in which you truly experience comfort and joy on Earth.
Being immersed in nature is the closest remembrance of your home that you have. “We see that your soul would be fully nourished and satisfied by making the choice to immerse your physical being in nature in whatever way feels right to you ... hiking in the snowcapped mountains, laying on a sunny beach; walking deep in the forest, or sitting amongst the flowers in a garden. Your soul longs for you to be in nature. We say you shall be restless for this connection (with Nature) until you rest somewhere in nature. “
In this pursuit we say to you, follow your heart and get into the natural flow of the Earth's rhythm as often and as much as you can. Life itself moves in cycles and it is when you observe nature that you become one with it, and with the natural cycles, are we are renewed in spirit. Let life pulsate and radiate throughout your being. Express yourself through nature by working with the natural elements – plant a tree, a flower garden, an herb garden on your windowsill, or take long walks through the woods.
Go deeper into that sublime connection. Feel the spirit of the wind and the waves. Speak to the tree you plant and listen to it speak to you! Great secrets are revealed to you this way if you but slow your pace, tune in, and listen.” Give thought to what you plant. Do you plant seeds of joy and optimism, or thought-seeds of pity and failure? What you sow, you will also reap, so we say to you it is very important that you tend to your garden of thoughts and be completely aware of what you put into that soil of your life. Remember, that what you feed is what will grow and blossom forth!
Angel Talk